Mitchell Clark
Birthday: July 22, 1990 Age: 16
The protagonist and narrator of most of the stories. Has been obsessed with aliens and the paranormal since childhood. Can usually be found in some sort of video game or alien-related shirt.
Ivy Green
Birthday: October 8, 1990 Age: 17
Was assigned to work with Mitchell on the school newspaper. She collects CDs and draws on almost every pair of sneakers she owns.
Xikkud Zev Krana
Birthday: November 30, 1990 Age: 17
An alien girl "studying abroad" on Earth. She was sent to Town City as part of a program for research on humans. Eventually starts dating Ivy. She likes the ocean a lot.
Mila Clark
Birthday: March 27, 1994 Age: 12
Mitchell's little sister. She thinks her brother is a huge dork and prefers to hang out with her friends from school. Her favorite game ever is Neopets but she likes the original Animal Crossing as well.
Meagan Phillips
Birthday: February 24, 1991 Age: 15 and a half
She likes to build machines and tinker with computers and enters the school science fair every year. Creator of the hit Newgrounds game "Kill Toad With Lasers". She has a little crush on Mitchell. :)
Mara Yeung
Birthday: May 16 Age: 18
Ivy's best friend and the lead singer/founder of local band Tonic-Clonic. If music doesn't work out for her, she wants to be a tattoo artist.
Nyla Burkett
Birthday: July 17 Age: 15
Became obsessed with vampires after reading Twilight. The guitarist of Tonic-Clonic. She came up with the band name after overhearing her nurse mother talk about a patient.
Jarred Trent "JT" Moran
Birthday: December 11 Age: 17
He's like if 2000s older brother core was a person. A straight D student, he only cares about playing drums and Xbox. He was made the drummer of Tonic-Clonic because he was the only decent one who auditioned. Has a younger brother named TJ.